
Showing posts from August, 2017

Poem: "Fairy Encounter"

FAIRY ENCOUNTER I once saw a fairy And wondered just where he Would go when he’d see A big person like me. Would he think it good To hide in the woods? Or maybe to fly Way up high in the sky? But he just sat and looked And thought to himself: “Will that big person run When he sees this small elf?” I wasn’t the one Who wanted to run; And neither was he As he sat by his tree. So I smiled and stayed Where we had fun and played. Although I was tall And he was so small; We learned in the end We each had a friend: And neither was scary; Not me, not the fairy. ©2017 Lewis A. Kocher

Poem: "The Wheel of the Year"

THE WHEEL OF THE YEAR PLEASE NOTE: This poem is about the mystical Wheel of the Year, a wheel that speaks of eight seasons, not four. The layout of the poem is: Verse one - symbols of the first four seasons, in order Verse two - names of the first four seasons, in order Verse three - symbols of the second group of four seasons, in order Verse four - names of the second group of four seasons, in order The Wheel of the Year contains many celebrations that are important to many people, and this poem is a great meme for remembering the eight seasons in order! :) ==================================== THE WHEEL OF THE YEAR Colors bold Let the wheel turn Winter's cold And the wheel turns; Fires bright Let the wheel turn Equal night And the wheel turns; Samhain, Yule, Imbolc too: Cold earth grows to warm. Ostara's perfume, Flowers true: Each thing in its turn. Lambkins bleat Let the wheel turn Berries sweet And the wheel turns; Sun holds sway Let the ...

Prose: "Song of Lammas"

SONG OF LAMMAS How many blackberries Will make a pie? I have picked them; If you make the pie We will share it, you and I. The berries hid Where rain met dew; The geese honked The goldfinch flew, The eagles squealed as I picked. How many blackberries will make a pie? Can summer be found, Can Lammas last, In a small black berry? I taste summer I taste the harvest... How many blackberries will make a pie? I will pick You will bake And together we will take One slice Then share with friends. Tell me: How many blackberries will make a pie? (c) 2017 Lewis A. Kocher

Poem: "Where Faeries Walk"

WHERE FAERIES WALK Where faeries walk, My heart walks too: Side by side And two by two. They dance in rings Of faerie light; They dance unseen Throughout the night. And as they dance Though I’m not there, They know I know: They know I care. And with a smile I slumber on; My dreams are filled With faerie song. ©2017 Lewis A. Kocher

Poem: "Lawn Dancers"

LAWN DANCERS What happened in my lawn last night I nearly fear to tell; I hesitate but not from fright (Now knowing all is well) – It is because you may not think That what I think, is true; You may just laugh, or even wink At friends who laugh with you. Of course you’re right – I didn’t see It all, but gave a glance At lights all glowing daintily And heard the fairies dance. Oh yes, just laugh, but not so loud, At what I say to you. The fairy-folk are very proud; You don’t know what they’ll do. Their mirth rang out across my yard Their magic sparked the air, Their fairy watchers stood their guard Lest trouble wander there. I listened very carefully To hear the fairies sing; Then in the morning, fearfully, I found their Fairy Ring. Oh, don’t disturb a Fairy Ring! That’s not the thing to do! But to that spot should only bring Love and peace with you. And if you do, that magic band Will bless you all your days; And if you don’t, on every hand You w...

Prose: "The Faerie's Kiss"

THE FAERIE’S KISS A perfumed breeze caressed my soul, She breathed so lightly on my neck, I scarce knew Scarce dreamed Scarce hoped A kiss she whispered there? Oh highest hope Oh highest dream Oh purest form of love; An angel stooped Her cheek touched mine; A kiss she whispered there. ©2017 Lewis A. Kocher
Welcome to Clearwood Forest, a magical realm of the ancient and the mystical. Here you will find poems, stories, and articles on everything from ancient chant to fairies and elves. As a freelance writer my works have been published in numerous magazines but I am finding it increasingly difficult to find magazines that deal in Fantasy or Pagan themes, and in particular, such magazines that publish short stories and poems. So now I am placing them in this blog and you benefit! PLEASE let me know if you follow this blog and like the posts. If I find there is no interest I will simply take it down. THANK YOU!